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New to StudyPool: This is how the studypool world looks like.

Studypool is platform where students can seek help from Tutors by paying certain amount for a particular question.

The amount depend on the nature of question.

The final amount is reached after a bidding round.

Those who have joined studypool very recently will find it difficult to win any bid initially. New Tutors will have to bid on more than 50 to 100 questions to win any bid. It might be quite frustrating.

Studypool platform showing the bidding interface

I am sharing some of the experiences for a new Tutors:

1. Initially you will have to bid a lot to get any work.

2. You might have to work for a question at a low rate. For example an established Tutor with a great reputation will take 15 dollar for a question which you might have to work at 3 dollar.

3. Due to low reputation and non-recognisable profile your bidding value is undervalued initially.

4. You might get warnings for overtime despite no fault at your ends. This is because of some vague rules of Studypool.

5. You might get suspended due to poor understanding of studypool policy. Once you are suspended it will take 24 hours for your account to get activated again.

Thus, you will have a mixed experience while starting at studypool. Gradually once your profile reputation builds up, you can have more voice in the bidding process.

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